Folder Sync 2.15.0

Folder Sync Version 2.15 is available to download from the Mac App Store.

Change log for version 2.15.0

  • Further UI updates to better align with Big Sur.
  • Added option to read and display Finder Tags. See this how-to for further information.
  • Added ability to Select items with different Finder Tags and copy only the tags to the other side.
  • Added ability to rename a Preset from the Presets row menu. It was always possible to rename a Preset by pressing Enter on the row or slow clicking on the Preset name but this makes it more discoverable.
  • Improvements to Sync Type empty folder handling. You can now specify if you want to delete all empty folders after a sync or just those that only exist on one side. By default, existing Sync Types will default to only the only deleting on one side which is a change in behvaior over previous so you may need to update your own settings if that is not the desired behavior for you.

Known Issues

  • The toolbar Filter Mode control is not clear enough at feeding back the currently selected item. This appears to be an issue within Big Sur and we expect a future macOS update will improve this.

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